Hey Dolls,
Beauty Review for the day is this Super Shea Butter Pomade from Sephora. I've had it for a while, but just recently happened to grab it to use it for my heels. Boy oh boy, was i reminded of how wonderfulicious it is! This stuff is super duper creamy and nourishing to dry skin! It's not as thick as the yellow shea butter that you get from the beauty supply stores and the african stores. But it does the same thing. It's a must have! i'm not exactly sure of the price but i'm sure it is under $15.00!
The cons to this product is only that the smell can sometimes be overbearing. Not so much where you have to open a window but you CAN smell it, which can mess up the smell of
your perfume.
Is it worth getting?! Yes Sir Eee!

Look at the creaminess! Lawd have mercy!
Until Then,
Bye Ya'll!